Wednesday, October 28, 2009

To Fat To Kill?

I just found this story to be so bizarre and ridiculous that I had to post something about it. A man from Florida is accused of killing his son in law in New Jersey but he says he couldn't have possibly pulled off the killing and get away. Why you ask? He says he's too fat.

Edward Ates of Florida says that the side effects from him being obese make it nearly impossible for him to have climbed a staircase, shoot his son in law, and then make the speedy get away.

This just seems so insanely bizarre to me that I am almost baffled by it. The first thing I thought about when I read this was when some of my friends come up with a ridiculous idea and you think about it, and then you go "hey, that's just crazy enough to work!"

But snap back to reality here. Are we honestly living in a world now that someone is really using the defense that their obesity renders them incapable of committing a crime? I am a firm believer that anyone, no matter who you are, can potentially kill someone. No matter who or what, if they snap one day, they'll do it. But the only way I am going to believe that someone is too obese to commit a crime is if they are so obese that they cannot physically get out of their house. And even then, they could potentially commit a crime without leaving their house!

Do you think that claiming you are too obese to commit a crime should even be merited in a court of law? Tell me what you think.


  1. I didn't even here about this story but it seems pretty funny actually. Maybe the man is to obese to commit the crime. If someone is innocent then they'll use any excuse to keep them out of prison, but most of the time people that are guilty come up with ridiculous stories to keep them clean. Even though the story is funny the idea of someone getting murdered definately isn't. Maybe they'll put the "fat killer" through a cardio test to see if he's capable of getting up those stairs!

  2. You never know. In this day and age, if you can sue McDonalds because you fed your kids big macs until they got fat, or because you spilled coffee and burned yourself, then anything is possible.

    Hopefully if this judge has any sense of justice or the law they will not entertain this ridiculous defense for two seconds.

  3. I agree with you that if you want to kill someone you will definetely find a way. but in this case; even though its kind of funny and crazy, there could possibly be a defense that he couldn't have possibly done it because he is too fat. I mean if he could physically prove that he couldn't get up the stairs that could be one defense, but a prosectuor could argue he is just faking it. I would say the only way he could get away with this is if they find no physical evidence of him actually pulling the trigger, but also if he has written, documented proof he hasn't walked in some time by a doctor.

  4. I think this case is absolutely crazy, but depending on the judge he could possibly make a case. I do however think that prosecutors would agrue that he was faking it and I think that detailed medical records would need to be provided.

  5. Mr. Quinn only you would blog about a crazy story like this. I think it is the stupidest excuse to use to try and get away with murder. If he really didn’t do it there would be a lot more evidence to the police that he should have to worry about being sentenced but to come out and say he couldn’t have done it because of his obesity just sounds like an excuse to me. Like you said though if you want to get away with murder these days I’m sure there is a way to if it is thoroughly thought threw and you would have to even worry about talking to the police.

  6. WOW, I think I'm going to make the decision to agree with everyone else here. That is completely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure that this should not hold up in court. If it does, there is a problem with our justice system. Not to mention, this man probably did not come up with this "alibi" himself. His lawyer was most likely feeding him ideas as well. This really concerns me, great find.

  7. I think that this could be a formidable argument in court, heres why:
    Firat of all, how fat is this guy anyways? is he like 600 lbs where he could not possibly gat into a stairwell and physically climb stairs? Also, in order to shoot the guy he would have to have had a gun. Would he carry the gun? I think he would probably need to use his hands to hold the railing so he would not fall down the stairs.
    Another point is the get away. How long did it take for the cops to show up after the crime was committed? If this guy was really so fat, it would probably take him quite a while to make an escape. I dont imagine he would be jumping any fences. Even if he drove there, it might take him 15 mins. to get out of the house and into his car.
    I say that if this guy is really so fat, then yea sure, he could walk.

  8. The sad thing is that he'll probably be acquitted. I've heard of much more ridiculous defenses working than this. I've seen some pretty hefty people move pretty quickly when they want to. Adrenaline kicks in, and most of the time people aren't even aware of their movements till they are over. Guy probably felt like he was going to pass out afterwards, but I bet he could have done it.

  9. This blog is so interesting. And like many said I bet he might get acquitted just because he has that defense to work to his advantage. But honestly, I agree with you anyone has the potential to kill someone and exactly how long did it take the police to come. I'm sure even if your obese you could somehow someway make a getaway even if it wasn't as fast as an olympic runner you could find a way to escape. He's just using all these things to his advantage to try to get acquitted. Good luck with that.
