Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Flu Shot Can Cause Some Major Problems

It's been a little while since I wrote an entry on here basically because I've been sick with the flu. It seems almost like fate that I found this story online happening at the same time that I got sick. Unfortunately this story is quite a sad one. A 25 year old cheerleader for the Washington Redskins went for her flu shot back in August and now suffers from what the doctors claim is a 1 in a million side effect from getting the flu shot.
Desiree Jennings now suffers from a condition called dystonia. Dystonia causes certain muscle groups and the nerves that innervated them to either become disabled or misfire at any given time similar to a seizure. The disease causes her to be unable to walk forward and causes her to suffer from random seizures. Although she cannot walk forward she can walk backwards perfectly fine. She can also run forwards with a normal gate. And while she runs forward her inability to speak normally disappears and she speaks without any sort of impediment. The movie below will show you what I am trying to explain.

This story really strikes a cord with me and it's extremely sad to see an individual who is so young and had so much going for her and gets knocked down by something as simple as a flu shot. I know doctors say that vaccines are perfectly safe and I believe they are too but to think that this could happen to anyone is just scary. I don't think words can really describe how this story makes me want to react and it really is just a terrible side effect to something that is supposed to make a person healthier in life but clearly this was not the case. It makes me question whether or not I want to get a flu shot again. What do you guys think?

I did some more reading on this topic and found out that Desiree now is unable to move her neck and tongue which makes it extremely difficult for her to communicate however with the help of 2 friends who gave her a jump start from walking to running, she successfully completed an 8k road race in Virginia a last week.


  1. I saw this on the news and I couldn't believe it myself. It was really hard for me to fathom that getting the flu shot really had this negative effect on her. What the weirdest part is is that she can walk backwards completely normally and can run and talk while running. As soon as she starts she starts going into spasms and can communicate as well. Since it was a 1 in a million incident I don't feel people should be discouraged by the flu shot. Look at all the people that are being affected by the H1N1, I would take the risk to prevent dying from the flu to be honest with you. Good post, interesting stuff.

  2. I also saw this on the news and honestly coudnt believe it. it's sad to think that getting a vaccine that is suppose to help you and rid you of getting the flu could lead to this. Even though I have never gotten the flu shot and the fact that it is an up and coming shot you need to get, I'm not so sure i could get one now that I have seen that. Very interesting, good post.

  3. Troubling incident regarding the flu shot but sadly it happens because all theses shots and vaccinations, are yet to be 100% proven. This reminds me of the movie, I Am Legend, that maybe someday a horrible event may happen if these shots and vaccines are not fully checked.. Nice blog...

  4. i am one of those people who is not a fan of the flu shot. i feel that illnesses should be allowed to run there course unless death is the ending result. i feel my hatred for the flu shot comes from my body's reaction to them. as it is i hate neadles so that is strike 1 and strike 2 is the fact that whatever vaccine i seem to receive i end up getting what it was supposed to prevent. dumbest thing ever.
